Friday, February 7, 2025

14 Surprising Things That Expire — or Become Dangerous

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Fire extinguisher
ronstik /

All good things must come to an end, including a lot of the stuff filling your home.

While stocking up can seem like a smart move, not everything can be stored indefinitely.

Following are some items that might be about to go bad — or worse — in your stockpile.

1. At-home COVID-19 tests

Senior taking a COVID-19 test at home
Photoroyalty /

If you’ve held on to at-home COVID-19 tests, it’s probably time to go through your stash. Most tests had an initial shelf life of about four to six months after the date of manufacture, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Once expired, they may produce invalid or inaccurate results.

However, some companies did additional testing to demonstrate that their products have a longer shelf life, in some cases as much as two years. To see which at-home COVID-19 tests have extended expiration dates, visit this FDA page.

2. Smoke detectors

Man changing batteries in a smoke detector or alarm
Andrey_Popov /

Smoke detectors are not made to last forever. Over time, their sensors become less sensitive to smoke particles, leaving you and your loved ones at risk. The National Fire Protection Association says all smoke alarms should be replaced when they are 10 years old.

3. Hand sanitizer

Child sanitizing hand
Elizaveta Galitckaia /

Most hand sanitizers have an expiration date printed on the label. Opinions differ, but the stuff has a shelf life of one to three years, reports Women’s Health. Some health experts argue that old or undated hand sanitizer is better than none.

In general, over-the-counter drug products must display an expiration date unless they can show that they are stable for more than three years, says the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. But the FDA says it doesn’t have data on whether hand sanitizer is stable or effective after its expiration date.

We report in “Are You Making These 7 Hand-Washing Mistakes?” that hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol is the next-best option when soap and water aren’t available.

But washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with plain (not antibacterial) soap and water is the best protection against catching and spreading disease, especially when done before eating and after using the bathroom, coughing or sneezing, the FDA adds.

4. Some medicines

pharmacist senior man patient prescription pharmaceuticals pills prescription pharmacy
Syda Productions /

Studies have found that some medications are good for as long as 15 years after their expiration dates.

At the same time, other medications — including aspirin — have been found to not remain stable past their expiration dates, according to Harvard Medical School. Additionally, the FDA says taking expired meds is risky and possibly harmful.

So if you are ever in doubt about whether it’s safe to take an expired medication, it’s probably not worth the risk.

5. Pepper spray

Andrii Lomako /

Here’s one area where you won’t want to stretch an expiration date. If you depend on having pepper spray and another self-defense spray on hand, follow your product’s expiration date carefully.

Sabre, a pepper spray manufacturer, says its products have a shelf life of four years from the date of manufacture while competitor products may expire in two years. After those dates, the sprays might not have enough pressurization to work correctly.

6. Cleaning products

A couple shops for cleaning products at a store

According to Good Housekeeping, cleaning supplies can degrade over time and lose their effectiveness. The plastic containers they’re stored in may also affect their formulas over time. The magazine says you can use these rules of thumb when it comes to deciding when cleaning supplies expire:

  • Laundry detergent: six to 12 months
  • Fabric softener: one year
  • Multisurface cleaners: two years
  • Cleaners with antibacterial ingredients: one year
  • Disinfectants: two years
  • Dishwasher detergent: three months
  • Dish soap: 12 to 18 months

If you use bleach in homemade cleaners, be aware it can lose its effectiveness quickly once diluted. The Scripps Research Institute says a 10% bleach solution is potent for only a day. Even in its original bottle and undiluted, bleach can start to degrade after six months.

7. Fire extinguishers

Woman putting out a stove fire
Andrey_Popov /

A fire extinguisher is a classic get-it-and-forget-it item — until you need it to put out a stove-top flame and it doesn’t work. As it turns out, fire extinguishers do expire. Here’s what the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors says:

“Fire extinguishers expire and they do this for a few different reasons. One common way is that, over time, the seal on the neck will weaken and allow compressed gas to escape. Extinguishers that have lost much of their pressure will not operate. … Expensive extinguishers that have expired, especially those designed for commercial use, can be refilled and resealed by companies who specialize in this service. Inexpensive models are disposable.”

8. Car seats

Father putting a baby in a car seat
DGLimages /

If your baby is in the same car seat your 10-year-old used, it’s time to go shopping.

Car seats are another unexpected item that will expire. You can find expiration dates on newer seats, which usually are good for six years after the date of manufacture.

The seats may expire because the plastic degrades over time, but safety innovations are another reason manufacturers put a shelf life on their products. Technology is constantly evolving, and 10 years from now, a better and safer car seat should have been developed.

9. Motor oil

Man changing the motor oil in his car
Sappasit /

With the fluctuating cost of oil, it may be tempting to buy a lifetime supply when you find a great deal. But you could end up with oil that doesn’t perform well if you pull out a bottle that’s been in storage for years.

Some oils have additives that can break down over time. In addition, open or unsealed bottles can absorb moisture.

Generally, motor oil has a shelf life of five years, according to Bell Performance, which develops and sells fuel additives. Synthetic motor oils may have a somewhat longer shelf life. Store it in a cool, dark place to maintain its stability.

If you aren’t sure about the age of the motor oil you have in storage, pour it out and take a look before using it. Any color other than pale brown or the presence of particles indicates it’s past its prime and shouldn’t be used, Bell Performance advises.

10. Toiletries and cosmetics

Senior man brushing teethSenior man brushing teeth
Monkey Business Images /

Just because your dentist gives you a new toothbrush every six months doesn’t mean you can use that brush the entire time between visits. To keep your pearly whites clean and healthy, you should change brushes every three months.

Toothbrushes are just one example of how many bathroom essentials expire. In fact, most of the beauty and hygiene products in your cabinets will eventually go bad. In some cases, they may simply not work as well, but some cosmetics may collect bacteria over time and may pose a health risk.

Clean My Space has put together a comprehensive list of expiration dates for common cosmetic products and toiletries. You can find the complete list on their site, but here are some sample expiration dates:

  • Mascara: three months
  • Lipstick: two to three years
  • Oil-free foundation: one year
  • Cleanser: two years
  • Deodorant: three years
  • Shampoo/conditioner: three years unopened
  • Bar soap: three years

11. Paint

man shopping for paint

Paint is another item that hangs out in many houses indefinitely. You use half a can and then put the rest in the basement, where it sits until the inspiration to do touch-up work hits you 10 years later. By that time, your paint has probably gone bad.

Glidden says that its unopened latex or oil-based paints should have a shelf life of two years. However, that’s assuming you don’t let them freeze and store them away from heat sources like the furnace.

The Home Repair Resource Center gives these recommendations for other home repair and renovation products:

  • Oil-based stains: one year opened, two to three years unopened
  • Water-based stains: one year opened, two years unopened
  • Oil-based varnishes: one year, opened or unopened
  • Caulk: two months opened, one year unopened
  • Glazing compounds: one year opened, two years unopened

Of course, some paints and products may last longer, depending on their formulation and storage.

12. Wine, beer and liquor

Couple reading label on wine bottle
Asia Images Group /

While fine wine gets better with age, the same can’t be said for all forms of alcohol. Even bottled wine will go bad if stored improperly, and boxed wine is only good for about a year after packaging, typically.

Mass-produced beer has an expiration date on it, and while drinking past that date won’t hurt you, it might be a less than tasty experience. As for craft beers, The Kitchn reports that their flavor peaks a few months after bottling. However, when stored out of the light and at a stable temperature, they should last a year before the taste begins to really go bad.

There is even a limit to how long the hard stuff will last. Again, we’ll go back to The Kitchn. The site says unopened bottles of liquor will last indefinitely, but once opened, they begin to lose potency. It’s best to use up that whiskey, vodka and bourbon within a year after your first sip.

13. Batteries

Jose Angel Astor Rocha /
Jose Angel Astor Rocha /

Finally, we wrap up our list with batteries. Today’s batteries usually have a fairly prominent expiration date listed somewhere on the package, but in case you missed it, we’re here to remind you the batteries you stored for Y2K are probably no longer any good.

Batteries can begin losing small amounts of energy from the moment they’re manufactured. As a result, old batteries could be completely depleted or corroded before you ever crack open the package.

The shelf life for batteries can vary significantly depending on how they’re made. For example, Energizer says its Ultimate Lithium batteries will last up to 10 or 20 years depending on the size, while Energize Max batteries have a shelf life of up to five to 10 years. Meanwhile, the company’s rechargeable batteries have a relatively short shelf life of one to five years, depending on the size.

Stocking up at low prices can be a smart financial move, but only if you can use what you buy before it goes bad. If you have a bathroom full of old cosmetics or a garage filled with paint and oil, it may be time to purge and be a little more mindful about what you buy in the future.

14. Smartphones

iPhone 6 charging with low or dead battery
Tada Images /

Even the best-maintained phones aren’t safe to use indefinitely. While batteries do degrade and fail to hold a charge eventually, that’s not the real issue since you can usually buy a replacement.

The problem is that manufacturers stop working on updates for older devices — they have a never-ending line of newer models to maintain that are currently making them money. So eventually you can’t upgrade to the latest features, and the ones you have might stop working with nobody left to fix them.

Worse, there are no new security updates, making older devices juicy targets for hackers, who know that people don’t want to keep forking over thousands of dollars on phones.

In the tech world, this is known as a product reaching “end of life.” When that happens varies from device to device, but one resource for checking is, which maintains information on hundreds of products. Just search for your device using the box at the top of the page.

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