Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Best — and Worst — Times of Day to Mow Your Lawn

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Man tired of mowing lawn
BaLL LunLa /

Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on LawnStarter.

Just like some of us prefer that first cup of coffee in the morning and others thrive in the quiet of the night, your grass too has its best time for a trim.

Spoiler alert: If your grass could talk, it would probably tell you that midmorning, between 8 and 10 a.m., is the sweet spot for mowing.

But it’s not just about when to mow, it’s also about when not to mow (keep the lawn mower away from your turf during early morning or midday).

Learn the secrets of each season and tackle the tricky question of grass length when mowing. Discover how often to give your lawn a haircut.

Here are the best and worst times of day to mow your grass.

Best: Midmorning

Mowing lawns can be a simple, straightforward way to make some money this summer.
By StockWithMe /

Midmorning, from 8 to 10 a.m. is the sweet spot to mow your lawn. By this time, the morning dew has evaporated, leaving behind a dry and manageable canvas for your mower.

With the grass no longer drenched in moisture, your blades can glide through with ease, delivering that clean, precise cut your lawn deserves.

Mowing during midmorning allows your grass ample time to recover and heal before the evening humidity sets in.

Best: Late Afternoon

Lawn mower
Krasula /

As the heat of the day starts to wane, late afternoon emerges as another golden window of opportunity for mowing your lawn. From 4 to 6 p.m., the scorching sun has faded, offering a much more hospitable environment for both you and your grass.

With temperatures on the decline, you can enjoy a more comfortable outdoor experience. Plus, by waiting until late afternoon, you ensure that your grass has had ample time to dry off from any morning dew, setting the stage for a clean and efficient mow.

Cutting your grass at this time allows it to recover and bounce back before nightfall and the onset of evening dew. It’s like giving your lawn a gentle grooming session to prepare it for a restful night’s sleep.

Let’s look at the worst times of day to mow your lawn.

Worst: Early Morning

Water sprinklers on lawn
Subbotina Anna /

Bright and early, you might be tempted to grab your mower and start the day with a trim. But hold onto your gardening gloves, because early morning from 6 to 8 a.m. is one of the worst times to mow the lawn.

During this time, the grass is glistening with morning dew, creating a slippery and messy terrain that’s challenging to navigate and can also damage your mower.

As the blades attempt to slice through the dampness, instead of a clean cut, you’re left with torn and ragged grass, a total nightmare!

Wet grass isn’t just a nuisance; it’s an invitation for fungus diseases in your precious lawn. So, while the early bird may catch the worm, it’s best to let the morning dew settle before firing up the lawnmower.

Worst: Midday

green lawn on a sunny day
Sashko /

Before you rev up that lawnmower and embark on a midday mowing adventure, pause for a moment and consider this: During high noon your grass is photosynthesizing.

Cutting your grass during the hottest part of the day, from 10 a.m. to noon, could lead to some not-so-pleasant consequences. During this time your grass is already working overtime to retain its moisture and stay hydrated. Interrupting this can leave your lawn vulnerable to turning brown as the sun rapidly dries it out.

Not to mention, subjecting your turf to the stress of mowing in the scorching heat can be like sending it on an endurance race without any water breaks.

And let’s not forget about you: Mowing your lawn under midday sun can be exhausting. Save the mowing for cooler, more forgiving hours of the day.

Worst: Midafternoon

Man mowing lawn
Georgy Dzyura /

As the clock ticks past midday and slides into the midafternoon, you might be tempted to mow your lawn. Mowing during this time, between 2 and 4 p.m., is a decision best reconsidered.

Your grass is still reeling from the midday sun showdown, trying to hold onto every drop of moisture as the temperature continues to rise. Interrupting its recovery process with a mower’s blades can leave your lawn feeling as wilted as a forgotten bouquet.

Besides, braving the scorching sun during these peak afternoon hours can turn mowing into more of a sauna session than a stroll through the garden.

So, while the allure of a freshly mowed lawn is undeniable, it’s best to let your grass and yourself enjoy a siesta during the hottest part of the day.

Worst: Evening

Visible distinction between healthy lawn and chemical burned grass.
Lost_in_the_Midwest /

As the sun descends, you might be tempted to squeeze in a quick mow before the day ends. However, from 6 to 8 p.m., it’s officially too late to give your lawn a trim.

You need to give your grass a chance to heal and recover before tucking it in for the night. Mowing too late in the evening doesn’t allow your grass the opportunity to properly recover, leaving it vulnerable to diseases like fungus.

How Short Should You Cut Your Lawn?

Kentucky Bluegrass Green Lawn
Joshua Boman /

The ideal mowing height for your grass depends on a variety of factors, including the type of grass you have, the season of the year, and how tall it is. Never cut off more than one-third of the grass blade in a single mow.

Pay attention to the following for warm and cool season grasses.

Warm Season Grasses

Wave patterns mowed into tall St. Augustine grass.
TBaker770 /

Here are the recommended mow heights (inches) for warm season grass species and the height at which to mow it (inches):

  • Bermuda grass: 1 to 1.5 — 1.5 to 2.5
  • Buffalo grass: 2 to 4 — 2.5 to 5
  • Bahia grass: 3 to 4 — 4 to 5.25
  • Carpet grass: 1 to 2 — 1.25 to 2.5
  • Centipede grass: 1.5 to 2 — 2 to 3
  • St. Augustine grass: 2.5 to 4 — 3.25 to 5.25
  • Zoysia grass: 1 to 2.5 — 1.25 to 3.25

Cool Season Grasses

tall grass, hard fescue.
Sheryl Watson /

Here are the recommended mow heights (inches) for cool season grass species and the height at which to mow it (inches):

  • Fine fescue: 2 to 4 — 2.5 to 5.25
  • Kentucky bluegrass: 2 to 3 — 3 to 4
  • Perennial ryegrass: 2 to 3 — 2.5 to 4
  • Tall fescue: 2 to 4 — 2.5 to 5.25

How Often Should You Cut Your Grass?

Fresh perrenial rye grass or English ryegrass in a garden
zcebeci /

The frequency of your lawn mowing will depend on some factors, like the season and the type of grass in your yard. However, a golden rule is to plan mowing once a week during the growing season.

Of course, if your grass happens to be an overachiever in the growth department, you may find yourself reaching for the mower more often, perhaps every four days or so.

But remember: Never cut more than one-third of the grass blade at a time. This ensures that your lawn remains healthy.

When to Mow Your Grass During the Year

A man the cuts grass with a lawnmower
Dmitry Kalinovsky /

During the year, the time for the first mowing of the year should be in spring, around mid-March.

From there on, aim to mow your lawn once a week during the growing season, adjusting the frequency depending on how quickly the growth rate of your grass.

Take into consideration the growing season of each type of grass. Cool-season grass’ growing season starts in late spring, through summer, and fall. For warm-season grass, the growing season starts from late spring to early fall.

During summer and fall, stick to this rule: mow at the growing rate of your grass and never remove more than a third of the grass height.

In winter, it’s best to give your mower a rest. However, if you need to mow during this season, be careful. Mow only when the grass is dry, and frost isn’t expected for at least 48 hours.

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